Hey everyone,
I was unable to make it to church when I was supposed to share with you all about my time in the Dominican Republic. I was sad I couldn’t be there but I had obligations to a New Years family tradition. I decided to make a video for you guys to let you all know how things are going. It could only be a few minutes so that I would able send it digitally. Thank you all for understanding, It was so good to be home and see you guys! I hope you can hear me in the video.
I am still in need of funds, I am so close to being fully funded, thanks to all of you and all my supporters. If you are able and interested in supporting me in my second semester you can either give a check written out to my Mom, Jennifer Sutton, where she will be able to put that in my bank account or you can go to
and donate online.
I am so incredibly grateful for all you prayers as well, please continue to pray for me.
With Love,
Linden Sutton