The name of this organization, a Nonprofit Corporation, shall be The Grand Marais Evangelical Free Church.
The Statement of Faith of The Grand Marais Evangelical Free Church shall be the same as that of the Evangelical Free Church of America. The EFCA is an association of autonomous churches united around these theological convictions.
This church shall maintain membership with The Evangelical Free Church of America and its branches and with the North Central District of the Evangelical Free Church.
The purpose of this church shall be to bring pleasure to God by making more and better disciples who celebrate our Lord Jesus Christ in corporate worship, are committed to obedience to Jesus Christ, loving one another, and penetrating our spheres of influence with the dynamic gospel of Jesus Christ.
The church shall receive as members those who have accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior being born again, and manifesting the fruits of the Spirit in their lives, and are in agreement with the doctrine and polity of this church.
If the church membership votes to dissolve and cease to function as a church of like faith and practice, or if the membership should dissolve through some disaster, the property rights shall be assigned to the North Central District of The Evangelical Free Church of America to enable said district to renew the work or use the values thereof for further Gospel enterprises.
Ultimate authority lies in Christ as the head of the church and in the Scripture as the basis for all faith and practice. This church shall remain free and self-governing. The government is vested in its membership and administered by its officers. In function, final authority shall reside in the membership. They shall approve and/or affirm Biblically qualified leadership, to carry out Christ's purposes.
The officers of this church shall be the Pastor(s), Church Chair Person, Treasurer, and other officers as deemed necessary by the local church as stated in by laws.
A supplement to this constitution known as the BY-LAWS shall embody the stated qualifications for church leaders and officers. The BY-LAWS shall also include officers’ duties, provisions for appointment of additional leaders and teachers, conditions for membership, method by which members are received, along with other rules and regulations for church activities as needed. A Policy Manual shall cover such items as operational, job descriptions for all positions in the church, etc.
Amendments to this constitution may be made at the annual meeting when said proposed Amendments have been presented to the membership in writing and posted for at least 90 days prior to the annual meeting. A three quarter majority of the quorum is required for passage.